Tag Archives: Namibia

Coco Rocha’s Act of Kindness Toward Children of Namibia

6 Mar

Canadian model Coco Rocha and close friend Behati Prinsloo took to South Africa to visit the children of Namibia after natural disaster had struck. After seeing the meager lifestyle these children are living, Rocha says “I realized I should never take simple comforts for granted again.”

After returning home to New York, Rocha had her own thoughts of how she herself can help. Her first thought was finding a charity that she could pair up with long term. Not long after the earthquake that hit Port-au-Prince, Rocha launched a Fashion Week benefit with LakayPAM, a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of children’s rights in Haiti.

Exactly one year later Coco went back to Namibia to show her support to the children whom she had dedicated her time in the last year helping. “I wanted these kids to know they have someone thinking about them.” After posting the news about helping the children to her blog, Rocha had tons of letters with words of encouragement and support from as far away as South Korea. The biggest way Coco has shown her support to Namibia was writing letters and printing them on colourful paper to brighten the children’s’ day.

For this coming year the Canadian model has said that her primary goal is to find a sponsor to assist in designing uniforms for the children who cannot attend school without one.